Our Services


Health Optimization and Lifestyle Medicine

The human body is magical, complex and divinely created with vastly intelligent systems of function, communication and optimization. The body’s ability to self heal is amazing. There is an intelligence in the body that is way beyond what we currently know in science and all the thousands of years of insightful traditional medicines like Chinese Medicine. Being immersed in Allopathic medicine (family of doctors and dentists) as a child and in deep study of Chinese & Natural Medicine/patient care for the last 25 years, I find that we have a modern societal problem of being stuck in an understanding disease process more than we understand health.

My patents are very savvy when it comes to their conditions and diagnoses. They might know what their lab levels should be relating to their condition, what things to avoid that might worsen their condition and some therapies that may bring about improvement. They may be on a few pharmacological medicines and some nutrients. They even be eating in a way that does not worsen their condition. However, what seems to be missing is an understanding of what the basic fundamentals of health are. Understanding the basic fundamentals of health and prevention can far surpass any drug or therapy at the arrival of a symptom or diagnosis.